Fashion Friends
Introduction To My Blog
Meet My People
March 31, 2017
I’m allocating this section for bits and pieces of things I’d like to say or share or reflect upon. The common term is Blog. So this is my blog. Read it if you would like to, or pass it on by. Some of it may be tips on things we forum over in a day. One thing is for sure, this blog will not be like other blogs. Nothing about me or my store is mainstream. I may post recommendations of articles to bring for consignment in the event I am looking for particular things. Some posts may have absolutely nothing to do with fashion. I see humor in everything and therefor never intend to offend.
I have the tendency to take after my father, and this I am very proud of. Anyone who knows him admires his natural kindness and a humbleness a man of his quality rarely has. Dad has class, he is passionate, and he also sees humour in everything.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this picture. But you can see here how I resemble him.
I wake up happy most days and feel no need to justify why. I have always looked at life with curiosity and excitement. Things have not always gone my way though. And in that, I have learned no one is responsible for my happiness, and that I need to rely on myself first, before I can rely on others. Everything I have done in my life has happened because I made it so. I have never had anything handed to me. Determination and hard work have taken me where I am now, determined to still work hard :). But many people have enriched my life with their presence. And now I want to focus on making subtle differences because I have the time, now that my children are almost adults, and because I take great joy in helping people.
One day 21 years ago I met the person who presented me with what I feel is the true meaning of life. Three months early, my first child was born premature. His eyes were bright and full of life. Never for a second did I doubt his well being. And he did not disappoint. Devon was a giggly boy who made me laugh out loud. His nick name was Boogie Man because he was always on the run. He would run laps around my living room daily, and dance to the ice cream truck music. He did well academically and became a rugby player in middle school and high school. This was a scary time for me particularly because he suffered two concussions and a broken collar bone as a result. Mama was secretly cheering when he told me he was no longer going to play. YESSS… Twenty one years later Devon Ash Saini is a young man at least a foot taller than me who is bright and kind and happy too. This child has a kind heart, a generous disposition and is now my little man.

Two years later, I met my sidekick. My second son was born quickly and without challenge. His name was Baby for the first while because I just couldn’t quite peg it. We settled on a name and left the hospital with Cameron in our arms. A week passed and I changed my mind. Cameron wouldn’t stick and after many days of deliberation I named my sidekick Dylan Robert Charli Saini. Dyllie was not a quiet baby, in fact he was very shy and wasn’t particularly thrilled to be taken out of my arms. He would scream until he settled back into the nest. This did not bother me. I’m happiest when I am holding my children, even now. 🙂 Dyllie earned the nick names Bam Bam, Tank, Brick and Rock because he was very strong handed. He once flattened a paint can with a hockey stick. True story. Dyllie had that raspy voice that little babes have. So adorable. Dylan is a secret genius. He always knew more than he would ever disclose. Today Dylan is a quiet and gentle man who is a hard worker and chooses his words carefully. It is bittersweet to watch your boys grow into men and begin their own lives. Dylan is so tall that he tucks my head under his neck.

Four and a half years later, I was blessed with my third and final child. I basically had my daughter named at the very beginning of the pregnancy. Maya Alexis Saini was the hardest of the three to bring into this world. I always say its more difficult to bring the future mother’s to this life. Maya was like a bean bag and I could hang her over my shoulder while I did the dishes. She began to dance at 1 and a half years old. She was always twirling around and busting moves. Maya was so excited to go to kindergarten that she practiced on educational coloring books and always pretended to do homework. I knew early on that Maya would be a scholar and a dancer even though she would be caught in a dress and rubber boots riding the Little Tykes trucks down the yard. Maya has danced since 2008 at Karen Clarke’s Dance Studio and two years prior to that. She likes hip hop which is fun for me to watch. She was on the honor roll in high school and continues in University in Biology and I am not a bit worried. Maya is well beyond her years.

My children are the most important things in my entire life.
And this guy bugs me every day…
And this is Buddy. He was seven years old when he grew his brain and lived until he was 12. Best doggie ever ♥️
I have though many amazing people to thank for their contributions to my life up until now.
These two ladies are my life long besties.
We are the Three Muskateers, or Three Stooges, depends on if its a weekend.
Everything that is good in me is a result of the laughter between us three.
I would be missing too much out if I didn’t include these ladies:
These two are my favourite people ever.. not to mention my guardian angels.
A toast to our fallen Angel <3
We call ourselves the Chikas. These are my high school homies. Some I have known since grade 5:

I am hoping it is recognizable that this site for my store has a human element to it.
I wanted it to be professional, humorous and real.
I am a very complex and passionate individual. I enjoy meeting people and sharing positive interactions with them.
Therefore I want to convey with this blog that I am a normal person with family and pets and friends and that I value the people in my life. And, I happen to like fashion…
I hope you enjoy it.
Best regards,
Special thank you and I Love you to Anita, Johnny and Helan xx
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