Charitable Participation & Events
49th and 50th Annual Ladies Field Day Golf Tournament for Hospice
We began sponsoring this event on June 9, 2017 and were pleased to support the June 8, 2018 event at Cedar Hill Golf Course. The Velvet Crease provides a gift basket used for auction. Proceeds go to Hospice.
Hats For Hospice Tea Party and Hat Auction
Helen Martin bequeathed her stunning hat collection to hospice. Amica Lifestyles presented an event to auction these hats to raise money for hospice. The Velvet Crease provided the fashion show as well as a gift basket valued at over $600 to be auctioned off. Hats For Hospice took place April 23, 2017 at The Beachhouse and was SOLD OUT.

1 Up- Single Parents Resource Centre
We provide weekly donations of clothing and accessories. When items do not sell during the contract period, our clients can choose to donate them to charity. We then determine which of our charities would get the best use of the unsold items. On average, we donate 4-6 large black bags full to 1UP weekly. This organization provides a clothing room where people in need can choose from with no extra cost to them.

Vining Street Block Party Sept 8, 2013.
The Velvet Crease donated a gift basket valued at $150. Proceeds went to: Community Micro Lending Society, Pandora Arts Collective, Fernwood’s NRG’s food security programs, Victoria High School’s programs for at risk and vulnerable students.

Island Montessori School.
The Velvet Crease donated a basket for an online auction between March 1 and 13, with the proceeds going to The Access Fund which has been set up to help children and families.

Alzheimer’s Society of BC
Glenwarren Lodge Spring Fling for Alzheimer’s. The Velvet Crease donated a gift basket for silent auction valued at $300. This was a very successful event. We were proud to be a part of this dance held at the Philippine Bayanihan Community Centre.

BBB Torch Awards
We are in our 3rd year of sponsorship of the annual The Torch Awards with baskets valued at over $300. Proceeds go to Better Business Bureau educational programs.

Shoebox Project
Annual donations at Xmas 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 of over 150 gift boxed pieces of jewelry and scarves to local women. These items are provided by my clients all year round for donations and we save them for this wonderful cause. A special thanks goes to Shannon Sartori for inviting us to be a part of this program.

KIDS Conference
In Jan 2016, we promoted our Grad Support Program at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. The Velvet Crease collected grad dresses by donation for five years and provided them to students in need. We were invited to attend this conference which was just an amazing success. This was an inaugural event and we very proud and excited to attend.

Women’s Spring Expo March 2016
Held at Pearke’s Arena in Victoria BC. The Velvet Crease participated with a retail booth. This was a fun event for the weekend which included speaker’s on women’s health issues, finances etc. This event runs twice a year.

Mustard Seed
Clothing and accessories are collected by clients and the proceeds go to The Mustard Seed. The collection of red hats in the store are part of this project. These are unique and beautiful. (Thank you to Paul for requesting our assistance with this).

Wear To Start
We accept clothing from this program and the proceeds go to Wear To Start. (Thanking Vinnie for letting us be a part of this cause).
Canadian Cancer Society
Partial proceeds of the sales of Karen Hauser’s collected brooches in her honor.

Partial proceeds of the sales of Hand and Beak Cards to the SPCA.
Breast Cancer Research
Monetary donations to Breast Cancer Research through the counter sales of chocolate covered almonds in memory of Karen and Julie.

The Velvet Crease Grad Support Program.
From May 2014 until July 2016 The Velvet Crease collected grad dresses by donation and provided them to students in need in Victoria, Duncan and Nanaimo. This program was a tremendous success but unfortunately we have had to cancel it due to storage constraints. We are however, very proud to have participated in helping students and making a difference on one of the most important events in their lives.
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